formal training + gaming knowledge

With my academic background in French and Education, I have honed my skills in translating rulebooks. My full portfolio is currently over 100 titles long, with several additional projects unannounced at this time.

second editions

I’ve had the privilege of translating revised editions of classic and beloved games. These are a treat for two reasons: 1) they revitalize fantastic games so even more players can enjoy them, and 2) I can reference the original editions to create the game’s lexicon and help identify player pain points more quickly. Of course, sometimes the client has specific requests to use (or not use) certain terms. It becomes a really satisfying mental challenge of crafting sentences with very specific words that solve any issues present in the original edition.

repos production 7 wonders new edition board game

Repos Production: 7 Wonders (2nd edition)

iello king of tokyo second edition board game

IELLO: King of Tokyo (2nd edition)

repos production mascarade second edition board game

Repos Production: Mascarade (2nd edition)

iello get on board new york london board game let's make a bus route

IELLO: Get on Board - New York & London (remake of Let’s Make a Bus Route)

new designs

With new designs that have no prior reference, the challenge is different. I typically start by reading the source text through once so I can see the full picture and give context to each concept introduced. Then the delicate work begins: conveying the same meaning in the target language, while ensuring the translation sounds natural. Figurative interpretation is absolutely necessary (as opposed to literal word-by-word translations), as idioms are not the same across different cultures. I call on my experience of living in France and creative problem-solving skills to craft the perfect phrases.

repos production 7 wonders architects board game

Repos Production: 7 Wonders Architects

Khora Rise of an Empire board game by IELLO

IELLO: Khôra - Rise of an Empire

So Clover board game by Repos Production

Repos Production: So Clover!

Bunny Kingdom board game by IELLO

IELLO: Bunny Kingdom